How Coaching Helps You Grow in Difficult Seasons
Coaching transforms people. Coaching can help you get unstuck and develop new solutions to old problems.
One of my favorite things about coaching is it can facilitate growth even in difficult situations and seasons. You’ll benefit from a coaching experience even if you don’t find an instant solution to your problem. Here are three questions I often ask clients who are experiencing various struggles.
What could change about you that would change the situation?
People come to coaching because they want solutions for their problems. A good coach wants to help coachees resolve issues but also cares about helping their clients grow. Asking this question encourages clients consider what traits, qualities, or skills they could develop and how this growth would impact their challenges.
How could you grow or develop in this season?
I read a book about a year ago called “The Obstacle is the Way” by Ryan Holiday. In this book, Holiday explains the benefit of viewing obstacles as opportunities to get better, faster, and stronger. He shares examples of important historical figures who rose to prominence as they faced various issues.
We have the same opportunity. We can use our trials and challenges as a lab to improve ourselves. I think about something my father-in-law once told me when I was going through a difficult season - “don’t waste the pain.” Looking back, that season made me who I am today, and even though it was challenging, I’m thankful every day for that experience.
How do you want things to look different in six months?
When you’re in the middle of a difficult season, it’s easy to feel trapped by your current circumstances. I won’t pretend I understand what you’re going through because even if I’ve experienced something similar, it didn’t impact me in the same way it’s affecting you.
However, I know many things that consumed my attention six months ago are not pressing concerns today. This question helps clients think several steps ahead of where they are and imagine where they would like to be in a few months. Once you have an idea of where you’re headed, you can create the steps to help you get there.
Ready to experience coaching?
The beautiful thing about coaching is that you can’t reduce it a few questions or tactics. It’s a dynamic experience that unfolds in the context of a conversation. I have hundreds of hours of coaching experience, and I appreciate coaching more as time passes
I would love to offer you an opportunity to experience coaching. Visit my Calendly to book your free 30-minute coaching session. You won’t hear a sales pitch, but you’ll experience authentic coaching that will produce powerful awareness and meaningful action steps.